Marie Lavender’s first venture into the paranormal is a success.
Alec and Desiree are in love. The complicating factor is that he is a vampire and she is human. Alec exists on human blood, other food makes him ill, he must avoid sunlight, and he will live forever. Desiree is human. She loves wine and food, she sleeps at night, and she is mortal.
Can a human love a vampire?
I suppose all who have seen Twilight feel they know the answer to this question, but Lavender raises it anew in Second Nature. Can two very different creatures find happiness? Or is their relationship doomed to exist solely on a physical level.
On one level, this a straight romance, and, as a romance, it succeeds. It is fast moving, interesting, and very romantic. The reader comes to like the characters and roots for them to work things out so that they can be together. The fact that one of characters is a vampire, simply introduces new complications to the developing relationship
On another level, the book explores the nature of relationships. Can opposites attract? Can two very different people (or creatures) be happy together, or is eHarmony on the right track, claiming that we are most happy with those who are similar to us? Seldom do we find a romance that deals with weightier issues, but Lavender does this, and she does it in a light-hearted, unobtrusive manner.
A racy story and food for thought. Quite a combination.
David Burnett for the Kindle Book Review
I received a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.